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Saint-Joseph Church in Bourmont

The Saint-Joseph Church in Bourmont is an impressive building that reflects the architectural and spiritual wealth of the town.
Built in the 18th century, it is distinguished by its classical style, characteristic of the period, with an elegant façade and a bright interior.
Inside, you can admire remarkable liturgical furniture, sculptures and works of art, witnesses to the devotion and artistic taste of the time.
Today, the Saint-Joseph Church remains a central place for the community, combining heritage, history and spirituality, and offering a space for meditation in a setting full of beauty and serenity.

Album documents " Saint-Joseph Church " :

Bourmont, St Joseph - arrière

Bourmont, St Joseph - avant

Bourmont, St Joseph - châpiteau

Bourmont, St Joseph - cloche

Bourmont, St Joseph - détail

Bourmont, St Joseph - Saints

Bourmont, St Joseph - trompettiste

Bourmont, St Joseph - vierge

Bourmont, St Joseph - vitrail

Bourmont, St Joseph - vitrail

Bourmont, St Joseph - vitrail

Bourmont, St Joseph - vitrail

Bourmont, St Joseph - vitrail

Bourmont, St Joseph

Bourmont, St Joseph

Bourmont, St Joseph

Bourmont, St Joseph

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