Home Page


This site uses high-definition images: fast ADSL connection, 4 or 5G, or fiber essential.

Videos in 2K (HD)
Photos in 4K (UHD)
Stereoscopic photos in 2 X 4K
360 videos in 6K for internet, 8K for VR headsets
Panoramics in 4K for smartphones, 2 x 8 K for 3D VR and 12K for 2D VR

The home page allows you to navigate through the different sections:
The Clatique logo takes you back to the home page

Barre menu

The breadcrumbs allow you to go up the site tree.
For example, click on Themes to return to the generic themes album.

In parentheses the keyboard shortcuts used on these pages:

(A) around Neufchâteau the albums of our region
(C) ommunes presents the albums "Around Neufchâteau" by cities. Sub-albums are often offered
(F) rance accesses albums on France
(G) rottes
(L) inux club Linux
(M) onde accesses albums on the world
(N) ouveautés shows you the latest documents added to the different albums
(P) lans allows you to navigate by map, choose a place ... and reach it
(R) etour returns to the previous page
(S) téréocopie aerial photos of the Neufchâteau region
(V) r virtual reality
(T) hèmes allows you to filter documents according to your interests

The Shift key combined with a letter takes you to a town, examples:

Shift C Châtenois
Shift L Liffol Le Grand
Shift N Neufchâteau

Contact Mentions Site created in 2018