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Saint-Nicolas Chapel of Removille

The Saint-Nicolas Chapel of Removille, built in 1598, is a transitional building between the late Gothic and the Renaissance. Its façade has a rectangular portal, an oval oculus and dated coats of arms. Inside, there is a 16th-century stone altarpiece illustrating the twelve apostles, biblical frescoes from the 16th and 17th centuries, as well as statues of saints. Listed as a Historic Monument in 1994, the chapel is a valuable artistic and architectural testimony to the region.

Album documents " Saint-Nicolas Chapel " :

Removille, chapelle - détail

Removille, chapelle - détail

Removille, chapelle - détail

Removille, chapelle - détail

Removille, chapelle - détail

Removille, chapelle - Jeanne d'Arc

Removille, chapelle - niche

Removille, chapelle - panoramique

Removille, chapelle - retable

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