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Commune of Vosges (88170) with 202 inhabitants.

Significant events:
946: First mention of Removille under the name of "Raimbaldi Villa", meaning "property of Raimbald". 
12th century: Construction of the Notre-Dame church, characterized by its square and sloping bell tower, typical of the architecture of this period. 
1790: During the French Revolution, Removille was integrated into the Vosges department, in the district of Neufchâteau and the canton of Châtenois. 
19th century: The Notre-Dame church underwent modifications, including the addition of neo-Gothic architectural elements.

Sous albums de " Removille " :

Documents de l'album " Removille " :

Removille, calvaire

Removille, calvaire

Removille, calvaire

Removille, calvaire

Removille, calvaire

Removille, calvaire

Removille, calvaire

Removille, calvaire

Removille, calvaire

Removille, fontaine

Removille, fontaine

Removille, fontaine

Removille, fontaine

Removille, Fontaine

Removille, Lavoir

Removille, monument aux morts

Removille, pierre

Removille, relief

Removille, vierge

Removille, vierge

Removille, vierge

Removille, vue globale

Coordonnées 48° 21′ 45″ nord, 5° 50′ 24″ est Altitude Min. 297 m Max. 458 m Superficie 7,55 km2

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Aucune photo aérienne de cette commune, car l'espace aérien des environs est interdit aux drones.

Thanks to Mrs. Vignola for her help.
Plus d'informations ... Voici les quatre communes les plus proches de Removille : Vouxey : environ 1,64 km. Houéville : environ 2,46 km. Balléville : environ 2,62 km. Aouze : environ 2,84 km. Ces distances sont calculées à vol d'oiseau.

Contact Mentions Site créé en 2018