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Saint-Èvre Church in Norroy-sur-Vair

The Saint-Èvre Church in Norroy-sur-Vair is a story of stone, lines and light. It combines Romanesque and Gothic styles, and this fusion can be seen from the façade: massive but with these fine ogives that rise towards the sky as if to lighten the whole. Inside, it is a play of light and shadow, orchestrated by ancient stained glass windows in deep colours that paint patterns on the walls depending on the sun.

Album documents " Saint-Èvre Church " :

Norroy, church - stained glass

Norroy, church - stained glass

Norroy, church - stained glass

Norroy, church - stained glass

Norroy, church - stained glass

Norroy, church - stained glass

Norroy, church - stained glass

Norroy, church - stained glass

Norroy, church - stained glass

Norroy, église - Jeanne d'Arc

Norroy, église - orgue

Norroy, église - panoramique

Norroy, église - vue sur autel

Norroy, église - vue sur sortie

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