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A commune in the Vosges (88300) with 300 inhabitants, created around 1450, located between Liffol-le-Grand and Neufchâteau.
Mont-lès-Neufchâteau has an ancient history, marked by its rural roots and feudal organization.
The village has survived the centuries as a mainly agricultural place, with an economy based on crops and livestock, typical of the peasant communities of the time.
Under the Ancien Régime, the commune was integrated into a network of local lordships, undergoing political and social changes linked to wars and noble alliances.
The French Revolution brought major upheavals, with the redistribution of land and administrative reorganization. In the 19th century, as in many French villages, Mont-lès-Neufchâteau experienced changes with industrialization which changed habits and encouraged rural exodus, gradually transforming its human and social landscape.

Sub albums of Mont-les-Neufchâteau :

Album documents " Mont-les-Neufchâteau " :

Mont les Neufchâteau

Mont, arbre généalogique

Mont, cadran solaire

Mont, calvaire

Mont, calvaire

Mont, fontaine

Mont, monument aux morts

Mont, Niche

Mont, Niche

Mont, pierre

Mont, place de l'église

Mont, relief

Mont, route de Frebécourt

Mont, route de Fréville

Mont, route de Neufchâteau

Mont, route de Neufchâteau

Mont, route Neufchâteau

Mont, vue globale

Coordonnées 48° 21′ 25″ nord, 5° 38′ 32″ est Altitude 335 m Min. 282 m Max. 451 m Superficie 11,51 km2


Tourisme :
Le Fort de Bourlémont, situé en surplomb du village.
Église Saint Barthélemy

Thanks to Mr. Marcial TORRAILLE for his help. ⬆︎
Contact Mentions Site created in 2018