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Commune of the Vosges (88140) with 250 inhabitants.
Saulxures-lès-Bulgnéville has a rich history dating back to the Middle Ages. In the 13th century, the village, then called "Saulsuriae", was a fortress inhabited by Gondemart du Fay, Lord of Saulxures. In 1431, the Battle of Bulgnéville took place nearby, pitting the troops of René d'Anjou against those of Antoine de Vaudémont. Marshal Barbazan, Seneschal of Lorraine, was mortally wounded there.
During the French Revolution, in 1793, the commune was named "Saulxures". In 1801, it adopted the current name of "Saulxures-lès-Bulgnéville".
In the 19th century, the commune was mainly rural, with the presence of two tile factories. The population reached about 700 inhabitants at that time.
On July 29, 1944, a Lancaster plane from the 90th squadron was shot down and crashed in the communal forest, resulting in the death of seven Anglo-Canadian soldiers. A commemorative stele was erected in their memory.

Sub albums of Saulxures :

Album documents " Saulxures " :

Saulxures, calvaire

Saulxures, fontaine

Saulxures, fontaine

Saulxures, jardin

Saulxures, lavoir

Saulxures, lavoir

Saulxures, lavoir

Saulxures, mémorial

Saulxures, monument aux morts

Saulxures, nivellement

Saulxures, pont

Saulxures, pont

Saulxures, sortie de commune

Saulxures, stèle

Saulxures, vue aérienne

Saulxures, vue aérienne

Coordonnées 48° 11′ 52″ nord, 5° 48′ 28″ est

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Thanks to Mr. Sylvain Gloriot for his help. ⬆︎
Contact Mentions Site created in 2018