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Commune of the Vosges (88300) with 90 inhabitants.
To see: the remains of the castle, the cross of the way of the XVth, and three chests under tumuli (Bois St Charles)

Beaufremont is a village full of history, once influential because of its fortified castle, which was one of the medieval centers of power in the region.
This castle, today in ruins, belonged to the powerful family of the lords of Beaufremont, who played a major role in the history of Lorraine and France.
The village thus retains the imprint of this prosperous era, when it shone through its heritage and its strategic importance.
The remains of the castle, as well as old buildings, recall this past grandeur and make Beaufremont a place with a strong historical character.

Sub albums of Beaufremont :

Album documents " Beaufremont " :

Beaufremont, calvaire

Beaufremont, calvaire

Beaufremont, calvaire

Beaufremont, calvaire

Beaufremont, chapelle - panoramique

Beaufremont, chapelle

Beaufremont, chapelle

Beaufremont, château

Beaufremont, fontaine

Beaufremont, le château

Beaufremont, nord ouest

Beaufremont, relief

Beaufremont, remparts

Beaufremont, remparts

Beaufremont, remparts

Beaufremont, remparts

Beaufremont, sud est

Beaufremont, vue du nord-ouest

Beaufremont, vue du sud-est

Beaufremont, vue globale

Coordonnées 48° 15′ 27″ nord, 5° 45′ 19″ est Altitude 460 m Superficie 9,02 km2

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Thanks to Mr. Dominique Muller for his help.

Contact Mentions Site created in 2018