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Vosges town (88300) with 150 inhabitants

Aulnois, a charming village in the Vosges, is a place where history blends harmoniously with the tranquility of the Lorraine countryside.
Its roots date back to the Middle Ages, when the village belonged to the Duchy of Lorraine before being integrated into the Kingdom of France in the 18th century.
Like many other Vosges villages, Aulnois has gone through troubled periods, marked by wars and border changes

Sub albums of Aulnois :

Album documents " Aulnois " :

Aulnois, bas relief

Aulnois, cadran solaire

Aulnois, calvaire

Aulnois, calvaire

Aulnois, calvaire

Aulnois, calvaire

Aulnois, lavoir

Aulnois, lavoir

Aulnois, panoramique

Aulnois, pierre tombale

Aulnois, relief

Aulnois, salle communale

Aulnois, statue

Aulnois, vue aérienne

Aulnois, vue aérienne

Aulnois, vue de l'est

Aulnois, vue globale

Coordonnées 48° 15′ 29″ nord, 5° 47′ 05″ est Altitude 337 m Superficie 4,44 km2

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Thanks to Mr. Alain Mougene for his help.

Contact Mentions Site created in 2018