This stained glass window represents the biblical scene of the Wedding at Cana, taken from the Gospel according to John, chapter 2, verses 1-11.
This stained glass window depicts the biblical scene of the Wedding at Cana, taken from the Gospel according to John (chapter 2, verses 1-11), where Jesus performs his first miracle by transforming water into wine. The central part is dedicated to the interaction between Jesus, his mother Mary and a servant holding a jar. The cartouche at the bottom bears the following words: "His mother said to the servants: Do whatever he tells you. Jesus said to them: Fill these urns and he said to them again: Draw out now and take some to the master of the feast." The vibrant colors, especially greens, purples and blues, frame the main scene in a geometric pattern with bunches of grapes and ears of wheat, reinforcing the Eucharistic symbolism. Commissioned by the young girls of Norroy-sur-Vair and produced by the Geisler workshop in Nancy in 1931, this stained glass window bears witness to the spiritual commitment and religious heritage of the region.This stained glass window depicts the biblical scene of the Wedding at Cana, taken from the Gospel according to John (chapter 2, verses 1-11), where Jesus performs his first miracle by transforming water into wine. The central part is dedicated to the interaction between Jesus, his mother Mary and a servant holding a jar. The cartouche at the bottom bears the following words: "His mother said to the servants: Do whatever he tells you. Jesus said to them: Fill these urns and he said to them again: Draw out now and take some to the master of the feast." The vibrant colors, especially greens, purples and blues, frame the main scene in a geometric pattern with bunches of grapes and ears of wheat, reinforcing the Eucharistic symbolism. Commissioned by the young girls of Norroy-sur-Vair and produced by the Geisler workshop in Nancy in 1931, this stained glass window bears witness to the spiritual commitment and religious heritage of the region.
Click on the image to go full screen. This stained glass window depicts the biblical scene of the Wedding at Cana, taken from the Gospel according to John (chapter 2, verses 1-11), where Jesus performs his first miracle by transforming water into wine. The central part is dedicated to the interaction between Jesus, his mother Mary and a servant holding a jar. The cartouche at the bottom bears the following words: "His mother said to the servants: Do whatever he tells you. Jesus said to them: Fill these urns and he said to them again: Draw out now and take some to the master of the feast." The vibrant colors, especially greens, purples and blues, frame the main scene in a geometric pattern with bunches of grapes and ears of wheat, reinforcing the Eucharistic symbolism. Commissioned by the young girls of Norroy-sur-Vair and produced by the Geisler workshop in Nancy in 1931, this stained glass window bears witness to the spiritual commitment and religious heritage of the region.